How a home watch service can actually save you money

Tim Gauen, owner of Homewatch Dronewatch performing a home inspection on March 6th, 2024. [Bryan Mordt]

Let’s face it — we all love the sunny Arizona weather. But these summers sure are brutal. That’s why so many of us like to escape for a few months.

In a perfect world, we could enjoy the break without worrying about our homes. In reality, we are faced with the prospect of relying on a neighbor or rolling the dice and trusting nothing will go wrong.

There must be a better way.

I spoke with my insurance agent before planning an upcoming getaway. Did you know many insurance companies won’t cover damage that occurs in a home if it’s been unoccupied for more than a month? Of course, you can buy a supplemental policy to protect you while you’re away, but you’ll still need a neighbor to stop by and check on things.

There is another option — enlist the help of a service like HomeWatch DroneWatch. This service sends a trained professional to keep a dutiful eye on your home and property.

You may be hesitant to take on the additional expense. However, hiring a home watch service can actually save you money.

What’s home watch and how can it benefit you?

A home watch provider visually inspects your home for obvious issues before they become major disasters. HomeWatch DroneWatch delivers the additional protection of regular drone assessments to ensure your home’s exterior is taken care of as well.

If anything needs attention, we will notify you to discuss the necessary steps to remedy the issue. After each visit, you’ll get an email or text message with a detailed GPS-based report that includes pictures as necessary.

Tim Gauen, owner of Homewatch Dronewatch, is here to help give you peace of mind and save you money. [Bryan Mordt]

How does it save you money?

You can take your chances and hope no problems will occur in your absence — even if you’re right, you can kiss your peace of mind goodbye during what should be a relaxing vacation.

The truth is, oftentimes, small problems arise and escalate into something bigger when left unchecked. Think about just a few of the issues Arizona homeowners frequently face:

  • Summer storm damage: Those summer monsoons bring costly threats to your home’s exterior. And that’s not even considering what more could happen inside if your power shuts off for too long.
  • Pest infestation: Scorpions, ants and termites all love the comfort of an empty home when they need to beat the heat and get a bite to eat — a bite of your house. We’ll also check the property for roof rats and other rodent activity.
  • Pool problems: A second look at your pool will quickly head off any unwanted problems with water quality or equipment failure.
  • Irrigation leaks: Though a leak may be small, that constant “drip, drip, drip…” quickly gets pricey over the course of weeks or months.

Home watch professionals are trained to handle these events. They will reach out to you and keep you informed. If an issue requires immediate attention, they will coordinate with the appropriate repair company and ensure everything is resolved. In a non-emergency situation, they will take the appropriate measures to prevent problems from happening.

What to look for in a home watch professional?

A home is one of your largest investments. It’s best to find someone who is fully accredited through the National Home Watch Association (NHWA), like Tim Gauen from HomeWatch DroneWatch.

Tim is trained, certified and committed to upholding the highest standards of excellence in the home watch industry. He is fully bonded, licensed and insured. With years of experience as a residential contracting manager, he understands the issues homeowners face while they are away.

HomeWatch DroneWatch will help bring you peace of mind while you’re away. Home visits start as low as $45 per visit and will be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether it’s holding onto a package after it’s delivered, freshening up a home for your return or meeting with a repairman, we are available to handle everything.

Contact us today for a no-pressure consultation to see how we can help! We are currently signing up new clients for summer of 2024.

Tim Gauen, HomeWatch DroneWatch

Email [email protected]

Call or text 480-999-0609

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