Kristina Donnay Maricopa Wellness
Medical director Kristina Donnay

By Kristina Donnay, FNP-C

Proper immune function is important all year round but becomes even more important in flu and cold season.

We are exposed to organisms that are inhaled, swallowed or inhabit our skin and mucous membranes. Whether or not these organisms lead to disease is decided by the integrity of our body’s defense mechanisms, or immune system. When we have an ineffective immune system, we are at a greater risk of getting sick.

How can we improve our immune system? There are many options each improving the immune system in different ways. A Lipotropic MIC-B12 injection full of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids help the body’s immune system, liver detoxification and metabolizing of fat and may improve mood and sleep and increase energy and weight loss.

Another option is vitamin D3 with K2. Deficiency of vitamin D3 is associated with increased susceptibility to infections and autoimmunity. It plays an important part in innate antimicrobial response and helps protect against bacterial and respiratory infections. High dose vitamin D3 should always be paired with K2. Vitamin D3 causes the body to absorb calcium. Mineral K2 assists in shuttling calcium to just bone
and teeth. The two vitamins should always be taken together.

The Myers cocktail, along with IV fluids, is a very fast way to get critical vitamins, minerals, and hydration into your body. Containing magnesium, B12, B6, B5, B complex and vitamin C, the IV is intended to decrease the symptoms of a cold or flu, strengthen the immune system, decrease the effects of a hangover and improve hay fever symptoms. Zinc is an important function of the immune system and wound healing. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of zinc have long been documented. Nearly 30% of the elderly population is considered to be zinc deficient.

Zinc homeostasis is essential for multiple aspects of the immune system including hematopoiesis, cell maturation, differentiation and cycle progression. Zinc lozenges are one of the most effective ways to absorb zinc in supplement form and may reduce the duration of a cold and the number of upper respiratory infections in children. We recommend talking to your doctor about what option is best for you.

At Maricopa Wellness Center we offer many of the above options to increase your immune system. Please call for a free consultation. LIVE WELL BE WELL

41600 W. Smith-Enke Road Building 14, Suite 3