Joe Jackson: A Paralympian’s journey to Japan – Diary


Maricopa’s own Joseph Jackson is representing Team USA at the 2020 Paralympic Games in Tokyo. Jackson, a member of the U.S. Wheelchair Rugby since 2017, is one of 12 athletes selected to help win a gold medal for the U.S. in Japan.

Maricopa’s own Joseph Jackson is representing Team USA at the 2020 Paralympic Games in Tokyo. Jackson, a member of the U.S. Wheelchair Rugby since 2017, is one of 12 athletes selected to help win a gold medal for the U.S. in Japan.

InMaricopa chronicles Jackson’s journey with an exclusive, first-person an account of his Paralympic experience. To learn more about Jackson and see the team schedule, click to read an interview published in the August edition of InMaricopa magazine.

Note: Dates and times listed are local. Tokyo is 16 hours ahead of Arizona.

Thursday Aug. 19, 12:40 a.m.

We landed on the 18th in Tokyo at 3:30 pm. With processing comes covid testing by saliva, waiting for our results, checking in to get our accreditation, picking up our baggage, getting on the bus and heading to the Paralympic Village. We waited for 4.5 hours to get our results, all negative, for a group of 20 people.

How did we kill time? We talked to each other, some took a nap, some stared at their phones, while the rest of us played name that song. A minute amount of the song was played, leaving the group to guess the title of the song and artist. Two points were available. Nobody actually won because no one was keeping record of the points, but it felt good to get a point or two from playing.

Once we arrived to our destination for more processing, basically signing in and getting our bags checked, we hopped into another vehicle. Up to four people fit in the back and we were on our way up to the Paralympic Village. We didn’t get into our rooms until 11:30 p.m.! Our day consisted of over 24 hours of traveling and waiting. I’ve never experienced anything like that before. We were starving, so it was only right that we eat before we went to sleep. Best food I’ve ever had, by the way. I finally went to sleep around 12:30 a.m.

Tuesday, Aug. 17, 09:25 AM

Woke up earlier than I wanted today. Anxious to board the plane that takes us to Chicago. It’s 11:25 am in Chicago right now. I woke up at 3 am, did some last-minute packing before we left to the airport at 5 am.

High spirits from everyone but we were all pretty tired. Next time I log on we’ll be in Tokyo on the 18th!

Sunday, Aug. 15, 12:03 p.m.

Our last session before we leave is complete. Putting the finishing touches of polish on our game before we leave on Tuesday, the 17th. This camp has been exciting, hard and emotional knowing that it will be the last time all 16 of us practice to make each other better for this 20-month season. Normally, a season only lasts for a year, but due to COVID the Paralympics got pushed back a year. Every single day is a grind. A grind we don’t take lightly because we want to be the best. Last, we are a family. Although only 12 of us will be going to Tokyo, we will be keeping the other four alternate athletes close to our hearts. Family.