Laser focus from acne to toe fungus


Everyone has aesthetic goals they aspire to achieve, but reaching those goals with over-the-counter products and at-home remedies is not possible for many skin concerns. Challenges like rosacea, broken vessels, toe fungus, acne, melisma, facial hair and scarring usually need a more advanced intervention with aesthetic treatments.

At Maricopa Wellness Center, we believe in the power of advanced technology treatments, such as Aerolase, a revolutionary laser treatment to rejuvenate, refresh and restore your skin.

Laser Facial
Our Aerolase Neo Elite laser specializes in treating 36 FDA indications. One of our favorite treatments is our Laser Facial. The Laser Facial treats acne, sunspots, melasma, facial hair, laxity, facial veins, builds collagen and more. This treatment is 30-45 minutes and offers no downtime. The unique combination of high power within a short-pulse duration allows treatment to be performed without the use of anesthetics, skin cooling or risk of adverse effects commonly found with the previous generation of lasers.

After your treatment, the best practice is to protect your skin from any UV rays by wearing broad-spectrum SPF graded 30 or higher. You should wear sunscreen even if you plan to be inside since windows will not protect you from all types of UV ray exposure.

The Neo laser can treat skin conditions on any patient of any age or skin type.

Toe Fungus
Onychomycosis, or nail fungus, is an infection of the toenail in which the nail changes color, thickness and quality. In addition to an unhealthy appearance, it can cause pain and difficulty walking.

Our Neo Laser treatment for nail fungus is safe, quick and highly effective. Most patients can be clear of their infection with 6-10 treatments. Laser procedures for nail fungus are proven to be a safer and more effective method than oral medications and topical creams.

One of the key aspects of eradicating nail fungus is penetrating the laser energy into the nail bed. This area needs significant heating to ensure the fungal material is destroyed, requiring a deep-heating and powerful laser. The Aerolase Neo Elite offers patients the ideal laser for such treatment. After the treatment, patients can resume their daily activities as normal.

Laser treatments are increasingly popular aesthetic options for people who want to treat complicated skin concerns, but no laser systems are as versatile as the Aerolase Neo Elite laser treatments. Whether you want to restore skin tightness, treat toe fungus, or manage complex rosacea or melasma, this laser is an ideal option for most people.

Overall, laser treatments are fast, painless appointments. Before your appointment, you will need to avoid direct, unprotected sun exposure to the treatment area. Your treatment appointments will take 15-45 minutes depending on the size of the treatment area and the condition of your skin. You may require multiple treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart to accomplish your goals.

Call or text 520-464-6193 to learn more about what the Neo Elite can do for you.


This sponsored content was first published in the August edition of InMaricopa magazine.