Maricopa Foot and Ankle can help with pickleball injuries


Dr. Stewart, of Maricopa Foot and Ankle Center, is certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery. He received his Doctorate of Podiatric Medicine from Midwestern University and completed his residency at The University of Texas Health Science Center — San Antonio in the department of Orthopedics.

His extensive training and current practice focuses on foot and ankle trauma, diabetic care, reconstructive surgery, and sports medicine. As a former collegiate baseball player and avid golfer, Dr. Stewart relates to athletes of any age and performance level.

Dr. Stewart has been at Maricopa Foot and Ankle for the past 10 years and has experience in treating everything from minor ailments to major trauma.

Do you have pain from Pickleball?
Pickleball has been growing in popularity over the last few years. Over time, we have seen an increase in pickleball associated injuries as well. 32% of all pickleball injuries are in the lower extremities. Ankle sprains, Achilles and peroneal tendonitis and forefoot pain are the most common. We offer many treatments in the office to take care of these issues to keep you playing and having fun. In most cases, we can get patients in to see the doctor within 24 hours.

How do you treat these common injuries?
Most injuries that arise from pickleball can be treated conservatively in our office. Simple
R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) can help with minor injuries. If your pain is not going away, you may have strained or torn ligament or tendon, and it is important to get it evaluated and properly treated. You don’t need to suffer in pain, our doctors are here to help keep you on the court.

We at Maricopa Foot and Ankle understand that even a small foot issue can be very painful and debilitating, so give us a call and let us help get you back to your activities pain free!

This sponsored content was first published in the June edition of InMaricopa magazine.