Maricopa history: The first Founder’s Day celebration

Kelly Anderson is a former mayor and former chairman of the State Transportation Board. [file]

The first Founder’s Day celebration was held at The Duke in honor of the 1-year anniversary of Maricopa’s incorporation.

The city was incorporated on Oct. 15. 2003. Mayor Kelly Anderson highlighted a year of accomplishments, including a proposed 20-acre park being negotiated. He mentioned three ongoing projects, including the preparation of the city’s general plan and regional traffic analysis. Alan Stephens, co-chief of staff for Gov. Janet Napolitano, delivered a proclamation. “Maricopa has a tradition of raising families with respect, honor, and pride,” congratulating the city for turning farms and ranches into homes. “You are doing development the right way.”

Related: Founder’s Day – InMaricopa


This content was first published in the October edition of InMaricopa magazine.