Maricopa Seniors honor pendant volunteers


Therese Starkey, Maricopa Seniors president, first heard about the Call for Help Pendant program about five years ago. The idea could not be instituted until Maricopa had its own police department, but, when MPD became a reality, “the most important thing happened,” said Starkey. She got her volunteers.

Today 15 volunteers visit the homes of those living alone in and around Maricopa, helping them complete paperwork, installing the calling device and explaining the program to pendant recipients. The pendant is designed as an emergency call device in case the individual is unable to reach a telephone

Tuesday at the Villages clubhouse the volunteers were honored at a tea party for their commitment, dedication and time in making sure local residents always feel safe.

Mayor Anthony Smith thanked the volunteers. “This program and those of you who are involved in it have so much to do with people’s health and welfare.” He urged the volunteers to “keep the connection.”

Maricopa Police Chief Kirk Fitch, whose department, along with MFD, answers calls for help from pendant wearers, termed the program “a great, great partnership.”

Volunteers honored included the following: Mary Arminio, Sandra Baggett, Ed Baggett, Belinda Bertsucino, Bette Gratta, Marie Guarnera, Cary Hilger, Marge Kavanagh, Anna Napollitano, Isabelle Nicks, Derinda Pelletier, Gale Riddle, Tyler Slade, Lourdes Samples and Alice Tipton.

Tipton received special recognition as the first program volunteer and the person who not only drives to Florence to pick up the pendant kits, but also installs them in all areas of Pinal County outside Maricopa.

If you are interested in the Call for Help Pendant program, as a recipient or a volunteer, contact Starkey at 568-8945.

Photo by Joyce Hollis