Community should vote ‘yes’ on MUSD override


Do you remember the first time when you were learning something and it clicked? I do. It was multiplication. I was so excited. The world was mine and I couldn’t wait to learn something else.

Do you remember your favorite teacher who you knew cared? Well, I do and I have never forgotten her.

I share these examples because Maricopa has an override on the ballet that we need to vote “yes” on.

Education is our future and successful communities support and drive education with their time, talents, and money. They make teachers and technology a priority, which attracts the best educators.

It’s time to give relief to the education funding crisis imposed by the state. Our community can stand up and be the example of change needed in supporting education.

People sometimes say we need better this or that in education. Well, it is time to put our money where our talk is. Let’s support our new superintendent, Dr. Chestnut, and show him that our communities want to raise the bar and have the very best in educational opportunities for our children.

Let’s support our community schools by voting “yes” on the override Nov. 6.