Chapados: Marchione conduct unbecoming


Conduct unbecoming represents the opposite of anyone who personifies, or claims to personify, the qualities of leadership, integrity and trustworthiness. Unfortunately, it aptly describes a situation brought to light at the city council meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 21; one which should concern many Maricopa residents, especially voters.

Attorney Bill Sims presented a report detailing the results and findings of an investigation into allegations of nine incidents of inappropriate behavior and sexual harassment made against Councilman Alan Marchione by 16 complainants.

If the number of complainants alone isn’t enough to cause concern, then the content of the supporting documentation will. But don’t take my word for it, submit a Public Records Request to our City Clerk’s Office and see for yourself.

The initial complaint was filed on May 25 by City Manager Brenda Fischer. The allegations were made by employees, both current and past, as well as others who had direct interaction with members of city council, particularly Marchione.

Kudos to Ms. Fischer for not only doing the right thing, but also for working to sustain a positive work environment where people, responsibilities and boundaries are respected. I also thank those who came forward, and I applaud their courage.

While Mr. Sims’ report neither substantiates nor disputes the allegations, the documents received clearly show a pattern of repeated behavior that is unacceptable. Marchione’s own statements said he showed “poor judgment” and that some of his comments were inappropriate.

It also indicates either complete ignorance about the proper conduct and professional decorum of someone in public office or total arrogance that standards don’t need to be applied equally.

Serving with true integrity is putting the citizens you serve before yourself, not the other way around. It’s not easy representing 43,000 people, but it’s what every member of council volunteered to do by running for office. The position brings great authority, and an even greater responsibility. Any misuse of either betrays the essence of the oaths they took.