Santa Rosa Elementary recognizes winners of fall box top competition


Box tops drives and competitions at Santa Rosa Elementary School are held in the fall and in the spring. The first drive of this year recently concluded, raising $500 for teaching materials at the school from a total of 3301 box tops.

Second grade teacher Zoe Redfern‘s class brought in the largest number of box tops – 970 to be exact. Her class received a pizza party courtesy of Orbitel Communications, and Redfern received a $100 gift certificate from Orbitel, presented by its president, Keith Kirkman.

Orbitel Communications President Keith Kirkman and winning teacher Zoe Redfern.

Redfern’s students like success. Asked if they would bring in even more box tops in the spring, one little boy announced, ” We’re gonna get 10,320 of ’em!”

These second graders (and below) brought in 970 box tops; they like success – and pizza!


Runner up was teacher Jennifer Seaman‘s class; the kindergarteners brought in 356 box tops. Seaman received a $50 gift certificate from Orbitel. Her students will get stickers and pencils from the Box Tops for Education Company.

According to program coordinator Debra Wright, “Our goal is $13,000 this year. In fact, all Santa Rosa teachers are receiving $50 gift cards to Lakeshore Learning from the proceeds of last year’s box tops drive.”