Thank you, Maricopa: we made a difference


“The number of people here is probably in the top three turnouts we’ve ever seen for a public forum.” That was part of the opening statement given by ACC Chairman Kristin Mayes at Tuesday’s ACC Town Hall on the Global Water rate increase.

Between 500 and 600 people turned out at Maricopa Wells Middle School to hear and make comments on the proposed Global Water rate increases. Speakers included members of city council, many board members from Maricopa HOAs, business owners and concerned citizens. The overwhelming message to the ACC…”No increases!”

As I watched and listened to the comments, it affirmed for me that we can accomplish anything when we work together. We united as a community on an important issue. We voiced our concerns, shared our stories, expressed our frustrations with yet another utility increase and let the commissioners know that if water rates go up, there’s a good chance Maricopa will lose in more ways than one.

It’s a significant accomplishment that members of the Arizona Corporation Commission came to Maricopa. Thank you to everyone who attended the town hall. Thanks to the Maricopa Unified School District and school board for your assistance with the meeting. Thanks to everyone who spoke. Your voice was heard, and I truly believe it will make a difference in the ACC’s final decision. Thank you to Maricopa HOAs, HOA board members and managers for “rallying the rooftops,” circulating petitions, raising awareness and getting the word out. And thank you, fellow Maricopans! Take pride in Tuesday night’s success. We made a difference.

Peg Chapados serves on The Villages at Rancho El Dorado HOA Board of Directors, as coordinator and co-founder of the Maricopa HOA Presidents Council, Chairperson of the Public Safety Advisory Committee, a board member for the Maricopa Seniors and Maricopa Police Foundation, a member of the 2010 Census Complete Count Committee and a candidate for City Council.

Submitted photo runs, on a regular basis, opinion pieces submitted by community members. The following article is the opinion of the author, and does not necessarily reflect the views of

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