County employee nabs fleeing felon


Information technology employee Gabe Villanueva looks more like an athlete than a member of the “Geek Squad.” The former copper smelter worker from San Manuel now works as a computer network specialist for Pinal County.

During a routine assignment on Friday morning at the Pinal County Superior Court, Villanueva found himself in the middle of an event more exciting and dangerous than checking data connections. Carl Edward Strong III was brought in for booking into the Pinal County Adult Detention Center earlier that morning. During the booking process, Strong managed to escape from the facility and eluded officers for several minutes.

“I was at my work vehicle picking up equipment for a job in the courthouse when I heard some people near the courthouse yelling,” Villanueva recalled. “When looked up to see what all the noise was about, I saw people pointing in my direction. I looked back and the next thing I see is a guy hunkered down between vehicles.”

Villanueva confronted the barefoot suspect, hoping to stop him. Strong charged Villanueva and a struggle ensued. By the time the two had wrestled their way toward the sheriff’s office visitors’ entrance, Villanueva had tackled Strong and was helped by two of his information technology colleagues to help hold the fleeing felon down. Courthouse security officers arrived shortly to help keep Strong immobilized until detention personnel could re-arrest the man.

“Gabe is such a quiet guy,” said Information Technology Director Richard Jones. “You normally wouldn’t think of him getting in the middle of a situation like this. Gabe put himself in harm’s way to help our sheriff’s office capture an escapee.”

When asked to recall how events unfolded, Villanueva said he didn’t have time to think; he just reacted to the situation.

“Do I consider myself a hero? No, I don’t,” Villanueva said. “I’m just glad we could help the team out and put this guy back behind bars where he belongs.”

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