Why does my teenager act like that?


As students change almost overnight from innocent children to teenagers, parents are often left wondering how to handle this sudden change.

Maricopa Wells is hoping it can provide the answers.

On Monday, Sept. 29, from 7 to 8 p.m., Maricopa Wells Middle School will be hosting a Parent Night, featuring T.J. Mears.

Mears is a noted speaker and authority in the area of adolescent brain research. This practical presentation will help parents understand “why your teenagers act the way they do.” It will also provide “some strategies for parents on how to work with today’s teens.”

The presentation will be hosted in the multi-purpose room, and a Spanish translator will be available that evening.

Child activities will be provided, and parents are encouraged to contact the school prior to that night to indicate the age and number of children needing care.

For more information please contact Maricopa Wells Middle School at (520) 568-7100.

If you go:

What: Parent Night
Where: Maricopa Wells Middle School
When: Sept. 29, 7-8 p.m.
Cost: Free

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