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Would you like your child to love math, science and literature, to have an excellent memory, concentration, discipline, critical thinking and creative problem-solving abilities?  Would you also like him or her to enjoy socializing and have high self-esteem?

Of course, we would all like this!

Neuroscientists have been studying brains intensely since 2000, making incredible discoveries. One of the most amazing is that listening to and performing music stimulates brain growth in children, resulting in all these traits!

In fact, the highest academic math and science scores in the world come from Japan, Hungary and the Netherlands, where studying a musical instrument is mandatory for children.  According to research scientists, EEG readings on children involved in music show chemical change, improved brain activity, hormone production, and accelerated growth to all parts of the brain.  Neuroscience has begun recommending one-hour-a-day of music for all children, even babies!

Besides these “scientific” facts, it is good to know that music has been binding humanity for thousands of years.  It has been the basis of communication from mother to baby, the pattern by which we learn and remember words, songs, rhymes, genealogies.  Music has always been a way to soothe our moods, energize us, stimulate our emotions.  Catchy tunes and smooth sounds have helped cultures “speak” to one another.

Give your child his best chance to learn and grow. A chance to “speak” to others.  Make sure he or she experiences music!