Copa Center rental rules changed; dates set for special events



Residents and community groups who use the Copa Center for their events can now rent the facility for recurring weekends.

Prior to the rules change, recurring rentals were prohibited. Under the new guidelines, the recurring rentals will be allowed for six months at a time.

The new use regulations were approved by the Maricopa City Council during its regular session Tuesday.

The council also approved Lee Fields, owner of Karate for Kids, to fill a vacancy on the Parks, Recreation and Library Committee. Fields was nominated by Councilman Leon Potter.

Two annual events are also set to move forward with the council’s approval of the organizations’ respective special event permits.

The 6th Annual Parish Festival, sponsored by Our Lady of Grace Parish, will be Jan. 25, at 45295 W. Honeycutt Road.

The festival is held each year as a fundraiser for a future planned community to be located off Porter Road near the Glennwilde subdivision.