Planning Maricopa Part 3 – Energy and the environment


Most residents are unaware of Maricopa’s progress in Environmental Planning and Resource Conservation, an important element in the new general plan.


Did you know Maricopa is home to the only commercial renewable fuel production facility in the state?  Did you know the city’s primary electricity provider, ED-3, has almost twice as many rooftop solar applications than any other electricity provider in the state?


Through the strategic visioning process, citizens of Maricopa identified energy conservation efforts to be very important to them and the future of the community. The Environmental Planning & Resource Conservation Element of Planning Maricopa shapes the city’s future toward energy independence. A safe, reliable and affordable energy supply is important to sustaining Maricopa’s overall health.


Maricopa is not only a leader in the state for renewable energy production, but also boasts a sustainable water and wastewater system. The current system is relatively new and very close to reusing all of the wastewater produced in the city. The wastewater created by residences, businesses and other operations is treated to meet Class A+ recycled water standards – the highest quality for recycled water in Arizona.


The recycled water is then used for a number of non-potable applications, such as landscaping and golf course irrigation, open space water features, non-consumable agricultural uses, and recharging the once flowing washes and the aquifers that lie beneath the city. The bio-solids, which is the solid waste bi-product of wastewater recycling, is diverted from landfills and used by some local agricultural operations to fertilize non-consumable crops.


The Planning Maricopa (Proposition 415) – Environmental Planning & Resource Conservation Element outlines the city’s focus to escalate an industry leading water conservation ethic . In the future, the City of Maricopa would like to become the primary water service provider for the city. This will give the city much greater control over future water quality, delivery and costs to the residents.graywater


Maricopa Proposition 415 – Planning Maricopa is on the Nov. 8 General Election ballot and early voting begins on Oct. 12. All Maricopa registered voters are encouraged to learn about the ballot items before placing your vote. If you would like to read all of the Planning Maricopa – Environmental Planning & Resource Conservation Element, click here. To read more about the city’s future plans for water services, please click here. Visit to view Proposition 415 in entirety and make an informed decision this November.